Instance connection troubleshoot

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Quick troubleshooting steps :

For easy troubleshooting Follow steps 1 to 5 one by one , and If the instance is successfully connected, stop and do not continue reading the rest of the steps

step 1 :

Press the buttons CTRL + SHIFT + R in the Internet browser Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to clean the cash and Make sure your device supports the HTTPS connection and that you are connected to the Ultramsg site via HTTPS .

If the connection is successful, do not continue reading the following steps

step 2:

Click the “restart” button to restart the instance, and wait for 15-20 seconds.

If the connection is successful, do not continue reading the following steps


Click the “logout” button to delete the session and create a new QR Authentication.

If the connection is successful, do not continue reading the following steps


Click the “Clear” button make reset Basic settings for instance, and delete all messages and sessions .

If the connection is successful, do not continue reading the following steps

step5 : The Final solution

For more flexibility, we have developed a reconfiguration system. You can click on the “troubleshot” icon :

troubleshot 1

and choose the appropriate type for you:

Soft reset : For quick check and fix configuration .

Hard reset : It will solve 99.99% of the problems you encounter in the instance Using this methods :

  • all software and hardware problems will be solved
  • new hardware and resource will be Assigned
  • all messages and the session will be delete
  • Delete the volume and session , and you will need to scan the QR .

If the previous steps do not work, you can contact technical support from here