الأسئلة الشائعة

كم التكلفة الشهرية ؟

  • $39/month.
  • Fixed-price
  • no hidden fees
  • unlimited messages
  • no cost per message

1 instance = 1 WhatsApp number

Note: If you want to send from many WhatsApp numbers, you must create the instance for each WhatsApp number.

How many instances can be added to the account?

You can create an unlimited number of instances because the payment is based on the number of instances.

What are the limitations of the demo account?

You can create a free trial account for 3 days and try all the features. and There are no restrictions, all features are enabled and you can send an unlimited number of messages.

What is the daily WhatsApp message limit?

Ultramsg does not have a limit as to how many messages you can send, but we do not recommend sending more than 5000 messages a day.

But when you send bulk messages users Maybe mark your messages as spam which will lead to your number being blocked.

So take care to send messages only to your clients only. And the messages should not be spam or annoying advertisements. The messages should be services (reminders – OTP – subscription – or any message the customer is waiting for …etc

Can I send a message to the WhatsApp group?

Yes, you can use Ultramsg API to manage WhatsApp Groups, you can see This video will help to send a message to WhatsApp Group using ultra WhatsApp API.

How can I receive WhatsApp messages that are sent to us?

you can receive and handle incoming WhatsApp messages by using webhooks, In this tutorial, you can create a simple page to handle incoming WhatsApp messages using PHP.

Does WhatsApp API work without a phone connected to the Internet?

We recommend these things for best performance :

  • plug an unused WhatsApp device into the power grid and do not use it for any other purpose.
  • The WhatsApp app is running on your device (not in power saving mode).
  • connected to the internet.
  • Do not use Whatsapp Web.

Note: If you want to use WhatsApp Web at the same time or use WhatsApp API Without the phone connected to the Internet, you can enable the multi-device beta.

How to avoid blocking my WhatsApp number?

Tips and Hints

  • Set up the advertising in such a way that the user is the first to write to you (the “Mark as Spam” button does not appear).
  • Send messages only to your loyal database of numbers or your clients only.
  • Don’t send the same messages, change them: personalize the messages (“Hi, %Customer_name%”).
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to subscribe and unsubscribe from your mailing list in each message. To do this, add reply buttons (e.g. “Write 0 to unsubscribe”)
  • Offer users to save your contact.
  • Minimize the presence of a link in messages at first use of the bot.
  • New phone numbers have a greater risk of being blocked.Before connecting a completely new number, you can use Whatsapp personally for some time (chat with other numbers so that you have a variety of incoming and outgoing messages from different numbers).
  • When you start using the bot, send no more than 6 -12 messages per minute, i.e. send messages in batches, not all at once. The longer your bot works, the more messages you can send.

Note: About Facebook’s ban policy

The same policy applies when you use your phone or web.whatsApp.com.

So.. all the tips are the same when you use web.whatsapp.com or your phone or ultramsg, Sending spam messages by phone directly will A number will be blocked by WhatsApp.
There is no difference between using our product and your phone or web.whatsApp.com.