Ultramsg API – Changelog for 2024

This section covers new features and updates for Ultramsg API.

Jul 20, 2024

  • Support referenceId in Webhook on Create.

Jun 9, 2024

  • Fixed Webhook “message reaction” form group & contacts

May 24, 2024

May 16, 2024

  • Implementing a troubleshooting system for instances to resolve errors and perform factory resets.

May 13, 2024

  • Fix _self in message_create Webhook .

DEC 17, 2023

  • Support sending the location in WhatsApp format instead of the text link.

AUG 29, 2023

May 23, 2023

  • Support Webhook On Reaction.
  • Ignore case sensitivity in the chatbot branch.

May 5, 2023

  • Pause Chatbot Temporarily after the human takeover.

May 1, 2023

  • Add a Wait for response step to the chatbot.

Apr 30, 2023

  • Improve flow & wires in the WhatsApp chatbot.
  • Support renaming steps in chatbot flow, for easy management of steps in chatbot.

Apr 12, 2023

  • Support for the use of variables in all types of messages in a chatbot.

Apr 7, 2023

  • launch of the beta version of the advanced chatbot.

Apr 1, 2023

  • Support receiving file name & Caption by webhook for documents.

Mar 12, 2023

  • /contacts/ids – Get all contacts number in a clear text format.
  • /contacts/invalid – Gets all invalid contacts (The number does not have WhatsApp).
  • /chats/ids – Get all WhatsApp chats list in a clear text format.
  • /groups/ids – Get all groups IDs in a clear text format.

Mar 1, 2023

Changing the Instance token through the Ultramsg UI.

Feb 17, 2023

Feb 16, 2023

Feb 10, 2023

supports send file as base64 up to 10,000,000 character ~ 6.5M (up from 2,000,000 character ~ 1.5M ) .

Feb 1, 2023

  • /media/delete – Permanently delete media files from S3 CDN by URL (sent or received via webhook).
  • /media/deleteByDate – Permanently delete All media files from S3 CDN by Date.
  • /messages/sticker – Send a sticker to phone number or group.
  • /chats/read – make chat messages read for a specific conversation.

Jan 20, 2023

  • Ultramsg API now supports captions on documents sent to customers.

Jan 1, 2023

  • /media/upload – Upload files from the local server to CDN, it’s a great alternative to base64, it’s easy to use, and supports large files until 30MB.